Remember, when I chose to tell these people, I was (foolishly) hoping for a little sympathy. I wasn’t looking for much; just a little.
Name: Joan Mumford - Mother
Response: “Well, it sounds like she has been very fair. She always has been, really. Do you have her new address because it would be nice to keep in touch.
Name: David - Brother
Response (by email): “What did you expect? You got off lightly by the sound of it. I’m surprised it took her this long to work you out.”
Name: Esther - Sister-in-law
Response (she rang me after David told her): “That’s bad news. Still, you’ve got the house, and plenty of women will find that attractive.”
Name: Horse woman
Response: “I can’t say, I’m surprised. I didn’t think you were that well suited (Intermission while she talked about herself) Do you think the two of you were well-suited? (Another intermission) If you want to talk and you need someone to listen, I’m always here.
Horse woman suffers from a disorder, Esther is Australian, David is a git, and my mother is an alien.
Strangely enough, the responses of these four were enough to prevent me from boring anybody else with my story.